Buying and Selling
屋号 岸野商店
代表者 岸野 潤平
所在地 〒216-0011 神奈川県川崎市宮前区犬蔵2-13-14-B-205
TEL 044-572-8722
FAX 044-003-0811
設立年月 2016年6月1日
主な事業内容 ・スポーツグッズ、健康グッズ、インテリア雑貨などの輸出入販売。
経営理念 商品化までの道のりは長く険しいものであると私自身過去の失敗などで経験してきました。 商品化のために何度も修正を重ね、試行錯誤の結果、無事出来上がった商品。
English version
Company name Kishino Shoten
Representative Junpei Kishino
Address B-205, 2-13-14-B, Inukura, Miyamae Ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, JAPAN 216-0011
TEL 81+44-572-8722
FAX 81+44-003-0811
Website URL
Date Established June 1, 2016
Main business ・Import, export and sales of sports goods, health goods and interior goods.
・Production of product landing pages.
・Planning and design of sports goods and interior goods.
Management Philosophy
I have experienced the long and difficult road to commercialization through my own past failures. It was the result of many revisions to the product..The product was successfully completed after repeated revisions and trial and error.Through our online shopping, we are able to provide such important products for our customers. The product was successfully completed after repeated revisions and trial and error.
Through our online shopping, we are able to provide such important products for our customers.
We will continue to propose the value of our products to customers who do not yet know them.
Translated with (free version)
about kishino shouten
We are able to sell products made in Japan or purchased
from overseas on Amazon and Yahoo!shopping,
The products are sold in the online shop.
We are located in the city of Kanagawa, Japan.
Although Kanagawa Prefecture is close to the Japanese capital Tokyo, it is also home to the sea, mountains, onsen and Kamakura. There are also traditional cities from the past, such as Yokohama will also host the 2002 Soccer World Cup final, the Rugby World Cup 2019 It is an attractive city with a stadium that has hosted the final of